Thursday, February 02, 2006

What The....

Well, it seems that I ran across a unique variation on a scam. Some genius registered the domain name "".
Now tack the word 'www.paypal.' in front of it, and you get
That's a very realistic name.
Ya gotta watch out for the phishing scams.
A little while ago I got an automated phone call from some company I have never heard of, asking me to press '1' if I was the name the recording stated. I pressed '1'. Next it asked me to verify my identity by typing in the last four of my social security number. Since I hadn't heard of that company before, I hung up. I figure any company that needs to speak with me can have a real person do it or else they don't need to be doing business with me.

Well, my daughter called and announced she and her boyfriend would be getting married on the 10th of this month. Sheesh. Time flies. She also asked if we had any spare furniture as she and Mike (glad she only dated boys named 'Mike.' It made it easier for me to remember their names...) wouldn't have any of their own once he transferred to Florida. Seems I remember the big cable spool being used as our first kitchen table back when my wife and I first got married, back almost thirty years ago. I thought that was a rite of passage for newlyweds.
Anyway, that's the update for now. This is a blog of ramblings, after all.

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