Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Now this I like.
It's a car that turns into a driving simulator. If the student is scaring the bejesus out of the instructor, they can pull over, push a button, and up pops a big screen TV and they can practice not running off the road, until the instructor's heart rate comes down. I'll bet that could have cut down on all the Valium my kid's driving instructor charged me for.

The possibilities for this toy are fantastic.

Imagine, your own drive in theatre without going to the drive in, or you can play video games in your driveway while your wife is watching Oprah and hogging the big screen.

Um, on second thought:
Daughter: Mike (22-year old military guy that she tried to pawn off as being 18) is taking me to the movies.
Me: What theatre is he taking you to?
Daughter: Oh, it's built into his car. We're just going to find a dark street somewhere and park.

Does anyone else see a plot for a slasher movie here? Or uncontrolled teenage hormones without a hundred other people in the audience whose presence will at least rein in things a little bit?

Great... On top of everything else I also have to worry about some idiot popping up the screen and hooking up his X-Box while doing 80 down the highway.

Maybe I can score some Valium from the old driving instructor...

Well, I guess this is the price of progress. Wonder where they will mount the satellite dish?

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