Saturday, January 14, 2006

I need sleep

Man, I need sleep. I've been on a marathon web publishing binge the last day and a half. I posted my new Vegetarian Information web site, and finally broke down and got the first sixty-one old jigsaw puzzles posted in an archive at my Jigsaw Puzzle page.
This while spending half the day at my apartment building working on an empty unit, trying to get it ready to rent. Sheesh. I haven't been this busy since I got stuck at home with all three kids when they were in diapers, and all had the runs at the same time and my wife was out of town! I had no clue how much runny poop little kids produce when Mom's not around.
No, I'm not a vegetarian, but my youngest daughter was - she finally had a craving for something that went 'Moo'. I am, however, trying to eat healther and cut back on the prime rib... - Gotcha! Man, I'm so broke I can't even afford to dream about prime rib, much less buy it! The last steak I had was leftovers from a Buffy convention. (You go figure it out.)
Ok, all the programming was both something I've planned on for a long time, and a knee-jerk reaction to a depressing event from work, which I can't describe because my boss might read this and, oh hell, I'll tell about it anyway.
Ok, I was at work Friday when... Hang on, got to get the phone...
(muffled)Yes, boss. I understand. No, boss, I won't do it again... (sound of phone hanging up...)
Anyway, anyone see the big game on tv?

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