Sunday, January 01, 2006

The High Cost Of Loving!

I heard an old joke, but a good one today, that reminded me of my friend Sam, so I thought I would share it with both of the people who actually read this thing.

There is also a ton of jokes you can read at The Humor Hut!.

Here goes:
This guy was a real workaholic, and he was trying to appease his wife, who was infuriated by how little time he spent at home.
"Tell me what you want, Jean," he begged. "Nothing's too good for you. How about a new Cuisinart?"
She shook her head.
"A new mink coat? Floor length, this time?"
Her pout deepened.
"A two week Caribbean cruise?"
She shook her head more vehemently.
"A ski chalet? Or maybe a place at the beach?"
Still no...
"So what do you want, Jean?" asked her frustrated husband.
"A divorce," she replied.
"Gee, I wasn't planning to spend that much money," he admitted.

Good luck, Sam.

Oh, I'm giving away a bunch of my old junk, free. You can get it

Have a great New Years Day!

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