Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Trashy People
(Note: If you are looking for the Best Buy rant, it's below. Read it before they Patriot Act it into oblivion or something.)
Normally, I avoid anything political and stick to the problems of teenagers and technology for old farts like myself, however -- Some people are scum.
I read online somewhere that some idiot thinks tonight's nation-wide candlelight vigil commerating the 2000+ US Military people who have died in Iraq is a plot by Liberals to overthrow the government, and that anyone who burns a candle tonight is a godless communist who's out to get Gee-Dubya.
People on both sides of the "should we be in Iraq" debate are going to participate. This event is about honoring those who died, not an opportunity for some publicity seeking moron to score some points with the media. If people want to either support or oppose the war, this isn't the time or place to do it.
If you want to attend, here is the link to find where in your area a vigil is being held. You have the right to attend if you so desire.
Not attending is your right, too. Either way, you have the freedom to choose. No one should ever take the ability to make these choices away from you, especially just because you believe differently than they do.

Final Thought:

Folks, let's avoid any fights or arguments over who's right or wrong about the war. This ain't the KKK vs the American Nazi Party, and it ain't 1979 in Greensboro NC, either.

(P.S. - What happens when you put the battery in backwards in a set of noise-canceling headphones?)

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